Why choose us?
The HG Inspection and Analysis in Sistemas Ltda. was founded with the purpose of adding to the structure of its client-partners, advising them on the various aspects of the explosive atmospheres segment. Whether it is the end user, manufacturers, certification bodies, standardization committees, testing laboratories and regulatory bodies.
Topics such as quality systems for the manufacture of equipment for explosive atmospheres; insertion of the manufacturer industry in the explosive atmospheres segment; support the development of products for the local and international market; support to commercial agents in aspects related to the products marketed; inspections of electrical installations in classified areas; acting as Clients' Agent with certification bodies, training in the various segments related to Explosive Atmospheres, are part of some of the activities offered by HG based on the experience of its founder Giovanni Hummel Borges.
The founding executive of HG has been active in the explosive atmospheres segment since 1985. He participated in the founding of LABEX (laboratory of explosive atmospheres of CEPEL, the first laboratory in Brazil to test all types of protection used in Ex equipment), responsible for the INMETRO accreditation of UL Brazil, one of the founders of the IEx Institute of Certification as well as responsible for its INMETRO accreditation. It supported Brazil in its first steps towards the IECEx System, since 2001, actively participating in the engagement of Brazilian Certification Bodies and Laboratories in this International Certification System. Auditor in management systems in the manufacture of Ex products and with extensive experience in training of manufacturers and end users.